I am not a religious person, though I do have some spiritual
inclinations. I find it comforting to think that there are forces at
play in the universe that are larger than myself. Either way, whether
you belong to an organized religion or profess a faith of your own
devising, I would appreciate any thoughts/prayers/good vibes/positive
mental energy you can send my mother's way today.
This morning, my mother is going into surgery to donate her kidney to a
complete stranger, and in return, someone associated with that person,
of whom all we know is that they live in Minnesota, will donate a kidney
to my great-aunt, Dolly. Mom has been on this donation journey for over
a year now, before we even knew that Aunt Dolly was sick, because she
wanted to do something incredible for another person, as if being an
amazing mother, wife, daughter, sister, and aunt wasn't enough.
Selfless and altruistic as this act is, I can't help but worry for her.
Major surgery comes along with significant risk, and her recovery will
be long, so I would really appreciate it if we could all pull together
for her today. Good luck, Mom, we love you very much and we will all be
thinking of you.
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